Concentrated Water & Soil Probiotic Granules.
BENEFITS1. Degrade the organic sludge in the water
and the bottom of ponds.
2. Prevent the formation of toxic gases like NH3, H2S, No2 in ponds.
3. Improve the enviroment of ponds.
4. Helps to increase DO levels.
6. Helps to optimise plankton growths.
7. Helps to regulate pond temperature.
8. Provides complete relaxation to animals.
Highly Concentrated Probiotic Blend in Tablet Form.
BENEFITS1. Improves soil and water quality.
2. Rapidily removes the toxic gases and enhances
the nitrification process.
3. Reduces the pathogenic bacterial loads fastly.
4. Reduce bottom sludge and helps for inhabits to
move freely.
5. Reduce pondwater turbidity and increase DO
6. Control the excess algal growth.
7. Helps for better growth, more survival and allow
more stocking density.
A concentrated blend of beneficial
microbes for aqua culture ponds.
BENEFITS1. Cleans pond bottom sediments.
2. Eliminates toxic gases like ammonia,hydrogen sulphide, nitrites,
sulphur dioxides etc.
3. Arrests the growth of pathogenic bacteria like VIBRIO by competitive
4. Maintains optimum plankton levels.
5. Provides enough DO levels.
6. Maintains optimum water parameters.
7. Animals became active and stress free.
Soil & Water Probiotic (Powder).
BENEFITS1. Clears pond bottom sediments.
2. Prevents production of toxic gases.
3. Arrests the growth of bacterial pathogens.
4. Makes pond water, clean, clear and visible.
Liquid probiotic for aquaculture ponds.
BENEFITS1. Reduces sludge formed already.
2. Reduces sludge fromation later.
3. Reduces VIBRIO and other pathogenic bacterial loads.
4. Reduces ammonia, hydrogen sulphide, sulphurdioxide etc. toxic gases.
5. Improves desired levels of algal blooms.
6. Improves water freshness.
7. Improves animal freshness.
8. Improves animal activeness.
9. Improves animal feeding.
10. Improves DO levels.
11. Improves survivals.
Body Weight Enhancer in Shrimp / Prawn / Fish.
BENEFITS1. Prevents and controls the stress caused to shrimp/ prawn due to
various kinds.
2. Keeps the animals active and energetic phase.
3. Helps to grow fast and to get more body
4. Helps for better collagen formation and attain
strong muscles for better swimming.
5. Acts as best immune modulator and makes
the animals fit for fight against disease
6. Acts as best antioxidant and develops the
new tissues rapidly.
7. Helps for more survivals.
8. Normalize the molting process.
Feed Probiotic and Growth Enhancer.
BENEFITS1. Prevents and controls bacterial pathogens in the gut.
2. Helps for uninterrupted growth.
3. Increases body weights.
4. Maintains optimum health and immunity.
5. Improves efficiency of digestive system.
6. Prevents loose shell disease.
7. Helps for periodical moulting process.
8. Better feed consumption and economical FCR.
9. Higher survivals with better profits.
Immuno modulator and growth promoter.
BENEFITS1. Improves strength of the shrimp / prawn.
2. Provides optimum health and growth.
3. Builds up better body defence mechanism.
4. Helps the animal to relieve from stress.
5. Increases feed intake and body weights.
6. Prevents the colonization of bacterial pathogens in the gut.
7. Improves survivals of shrimp.
Ascorbic Acid 50% with Amla.
BENEFITS1. Instant relief from stress.
2. Improves disease resistance.
3. Increases muscle strength.
4. Prawn / fish becomes more active.
Herbal immunizer, disease controller and growth promoter.
BENEFITS1. Improves strength and immunity.
2. Improves growth and body weights.
3. Improves health and activeness.
4. Prevents and controls bacterial infections.
5. Reduces the virulence of viruses during viral outbreaks.
6. Improves muscle mass and quality.
7. Improves activeness and attractiveness of the animals.
For Loose Shell Disease.
BENEFITS1. Prevents and controles loose shell disease in prawn.
2. Helps for quick formation of shell.
3 Acts as growth promoter in fish and prawn.
Carbohydrates, Proteins,
Fats,Calcium, Phosphorus,
Vitamin D3
in appropriate
proportions in gel form.
BENEFITS1. Binds the powders quickly & completely.
2. Prevents wastage of powders / feed.
3. Not soluble in water.
4. Posses rich nutrients.
Pure squid oil extracted from boiled livers
of fresh squids fortified with multivitamins,
minerals and enzymes. Adequate anti
oxidants are added.
BENEFITS1. Best attractant.
2. Best Binder.
3. Best Immuno Modulator.
4. Best growth promoter.
Pure COD-Liver Oil extracted from boiled
livers of fresh Cod-Fishes, fortified with
vitamins, minerals and enzymes. Adequate
anti-oxidants are added.
BENEFITS1. Good attractant.
2. Good binder.
3. Good immuno modulator.
4. Good growth promoter.
Liver Stimulant & Feed Convertor.
BENEFITS1. Best liver protectant.
2. Helps for better digestion.
3. Increases FCR & body weights.
4. Maintains good health.
Mixture of special selective herbs in
suitable proportions fortified with Special
BENEFITS1. Helps to activate the function of Hepato pancrease.
2. Helps to control white gut disease in shrimps.
3. Helps for fast growth and more body weights.
Sanitizer & Disinfectant for
Aquaculture Ponds.
BENEFITS1. Makes the pond water perfect clean and
without pathogenic bacterial loads.
2. Very fast action and kills the microbial
organism very quickly.
3. Helps to heal external infections of
shrimp /prawn like gill, tail and antennae
4. Does not cause any stress to the animals
and very safe to the environment.
5. Provides the safety to shrimp/prawn from
water born diseases.
6. It helps to de-odorizes and purifies pond
Nonyl alkyl phenoxy poly ethylene
oxide iodine complex provides 20%
available iodine.
BENEFITS1. Perfect sanitizer.
2. Minimises microbial load.
3. Treats all gill, tail infections.
4. Makes the pond water fresh.
Brominated Compounds 5%.
BENEFITS1. Perfect sanitizer.
2. Minimises microbial load.
3. Prevents formation of fungal beds.
4. Controls external infections of prawn / fish.
Natural sanitizing agent in TABLET FORM
for aquaculture ponds.
BENEFITS1. VIRMAX-DS is a potent viricide, bactericide,
fungicide and anti protozoan.
2. VIRMAX-DS prevents the occurance of many
microbial infections of viral, bacterial, fungal and
protozoan origins.
3. VIRMAX-DS works effectively and quickly than
other routinely used chemicals like Iodophores,
Chlorine compounds etc.
4. VIRMAX-DS helps to control the external
parasitic infections of gills, appendages or any
other body parts of the shrimp.
Moulting Inducer & Sanitiser.
BENEFITS1. Stimulates moulting.
2. Regulates moulting.
3. Acts as pond sanitizer.
4. Makes the pond water fresh.
For Control of Ammonia.
BENEFITS1. Binds ammonia, hydrogen sulphide
sulphur dioxide and other toxic gases.
2. Converts toxic nitrogenous wastes for
development of planktons.
3. Improves water quality by minimizing
the production of pollunants.
4. Eliminates toxic / pungent odours in the
Plankton Promoter.
BENEFITS1. Develops plankton.
2. Regulates pond temperatures.
3. Maintains water quality.
4. Prawn / Fish relieves from stress.
Natural oxygen releasers in
concentrated form.
BENEFITS1. Releases dissolved oxygen levels quickly and enhances
the total DO levels in the pond.
2. Animals get complete relaxation from stress.
3. Prevents mass mortalities.
4. Helps to reduce COD and BOD.
5. Helps to reduce toxic gases/pond pollution.
Natural Zeolite in Granules.
BENEFITS1. Adsorbs suspended solids and other contaminants and
makes the water more clean.
2. Helps to improve dissolved oxygen and phytoplankton
3. Makes the animals fresh by relieving stress caused
due to toxic gases and other pollutants.
4. Initiate to increase the fertility of pond bottom.
5. Controls the pH, ammonia etc. in normal range.
6. Prevent the chance of disease out break.
Aqua grade natural zeolite for aquaculture ponds.
BENEFITS1. The high CEC or FRESH MAX-AQUA adsorbs toxic
gases like ammonia, hydrogen sulphide etc from pond water.
2. Reduces turbidity of pond water.
3. Removes off flavors from pond water and bottom.
4. Improves DO levels.
5. Helps for optimum plankton growths.
6. Reduces pond bottom sludge.
7. Makes the animals healthy.
Mineral Supplement.
BENEFITS1. Reduces excess iron content in the ponds.
2. Reduces excess alkalinity in the ponds.
3. Provides enough minerals in the water.
4. Helps to reduce toxic gases like
Ammonia, Hydrogen Sulphide etc.
5. Helps to reduce turbidity in the
water and improves water clarity.
6. Helps to increase plankton levels.
It is a special herbal preparation fortified with minerals
having functional properties as anti LICE agent and
BENEFITS1. Eliminates fish lice like Argulas and Lernia.
2. Controls skin infestations.
3. Improves digestion and FCR.
4. Helps to increase growth and body weights.
It is a special formulation from special selective herbs
fortified with minerals having the properties as flukicide
and digestant.
BENEFITS1. Controls the internal / external worm & fluke infestations.
2. Helps the fish to digest better and to utilize nutrients completely.
Fish become active and healthy.
3. Increases growth and body weights.
4. Eliminates toxins from the body if present any.